I first released Fast Uninstaller & Installer. The app is continuously evolved and new functionality are added. The name does say much about its features. I decided to rename it to App Tyrant. As the name said, it's a ultimate tools to manage apps on your Android devices. It evolves and will supports new features. Keep it up to date.
Google Play:
Mar 29, 2012
Mar 28, 2012
Removable Verizon bloatware
Here is a list of removable Verizon Bloatware. It always recommends to backup the app first (or use auto-backup feature of RU) or freeze them instead of completely removing them. All these can be done with
VZ Backup Application |
VzWBAService.apk |
VZ Backup Application |
VzWBAClient.apk |
VCAST Music |
VCASTMusic.apk |
Document Edit/View |
Quickoffice.apk |
NFL Games |
NFLMobile.apk |
Skype |
SkypeBourbon.apk |
Amazon Kindle |
Kindle.apk |
VZ Navigator (Droid3 is not a typo) |
vzw_vnav_DROID3_rel_PROD_signed.apk |
GoToMeeting Client |
CitrixReceiver.apk |
City ID City/State match incoming call |
CityID.apk |
VCAST Video'sBand |
VCASTVideo.apk |
Streaming Media |
ZumoCast_1.0.17.apk |
Swype Keyboard |
Swype.apk |
VZW Instant Messaging |
VZWIM.apk |
Slacker Internet Radio |
SlackerRadio.apk |
VZW Visual Voicemail |
Vvm.apk |
Blockbuster |
Blockbuster.apk |
V Cast Ringtones |
VCAST_TONES_4_5_7.apk |
VCast Apps |
VCast.apk |
File management app (no root file access) |
FileManager.apk |
Goes with Citrix app above |
gotomeeting-stub-1.0.74.apk |
IM Client |
IMPresence.apk |
FM Radio |
FMRadioService.apk |
Video Editing App |
ArcVideoEditorLite.apk |
Google Books |
BooksPhone.apk |
Motoblur Widgets: | Motoblur Widgets: |
Weather |
WeatherWidget.apk |
Web Bookmarks |
BookmarksWidget.apk |
Clock |
ClockWidget.apk |
Unified Messaging Widget |
MessagesWidget.apk |
News |
NewsWidget.apk |
Status |
StatusWidget.apk |
Sticky Notes |
StickyNoteWidget.apk |
World Clocks |
WorldClockWidget.apk |
Wallpapers: | Wallpapers: |
Live Wallpapers |
LiveWallpapers.apk |
Live Wallpapers Picker |
LiveWallpapersPicker.apk |
Psychedelic Magic Smoke |
MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk |
VZ Navigator |
VisualizationWallpapers.apk |
Forrest Wallpaper |
ForestWallpaper.apk |
Other: | Other: |
Voice Search |
VoiceSearch.apk |
Google Street View |
Street.apk |
Calculator |
calculator.apk |
Google Search |
GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk |
HTML Viewer |
HTMLViewer.apk |
Labels: blog, code
Root Uninstaller 2.7
I just rolled out a new version of RU that makes it fully compatible with ICS. This release is also fixed a bug that you can not unfreeze apps once it's frozen on Samsung devices (including Samsung Galaxy Note) running on ICS. It's because the EBM policy issue. As discussed on xda-developer forum, it's certainly a bug on Samsung ROM. We can not wait for Samsung to fix the bug, the new version come with a feature: defrost alls command that can unfreeze all frozen apps in a click. This feature requires restart your devices.
Get RU from Google Play:
Get RU from Google Play:
Labels: blog, code, ru
Mar 22, 2012
Root Firewall - a Internet firewall for Android rooted users
I'm happy to announce that a new root tool is now available on Google Play. This tool is the best way to ad-blocking, prevent data over-billing, save battery life, as well as protect your privacy. Want to know more or !
Labels: blog, rootfirewall
Mar 20, 2012
How do I root my phone?
Glossary of Rooting Terms
Find your phone and get a rooting method
If your phone is not listed, try the SuperOneClick. If you need to install/update BusyBox, check it out
Labels: blog, code
Mar 2, 2012
Integrate with AntTek File Explorer & cheat Robo Defense's reward points
The integration with AntTek File Explorer helps you:
[caption id="attachment_196" align="alignnone" width="320" caption="Different choice for any Android application: freeze/defrost, backup/restore, reset, Market link and more"]
You can upgrade anything. Enjoy the game!!!
[caption id="attachment_196" align="alignnone" width="320" caption="Different choice for any Android application: freeze/defrost, backup/restore, reset, Market link and more"]

- Explore [secret] data folder (tap on Data Dir). Since AntTek File Explorer fully supports to browse/edit/move around data in system partition (/system/app, /data/app, /data/data), from RU app's detail screen, you can go directly to data folder.
- Backup APK file: Click on "App dir", AntTek File Explorer automatically selects the apk of the selected app. You can copy .apk to your back up folder.
A Robo Defense case: get your [unlimited] reward points
Here are step to step to cheat your reward points with RU
- Step 1: Open RU, and find Robo Defense game on the application list
- Step 2: Tap on Robo Defense item to open detail application view. You can tap on "Launch" to see you reward point on Robo Defense
- Step 3: Tap on "Data Dir" to browse Robo Defense data folder (You need AntTek File Explorer installed and rooted phone)
- Step 4: Tap on "shared_prefs" folder, then on "AndroidDefense.xml" to edit Robo Defense configuration data
- Step 5: Search the line with "
, change value="xxxx" to value="999999999"
- Step 6: Tap on "Save" button and go back
- Tap on "Launch" again to open Robo Defense and check your reward points.
You can upgrade anything. Enjoy the game!!!
Labels: blog, code
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